Monday, June 4, 2007

back on track

My Monday mantra - "back on track." Usually after a weekend of haphazard eating habits and little vigorous exercise, I hear my body silently screaming to detoxify. So I start my day by filling several bottles with New Jersey's finest tap water, vowing to drink the minimum RDA of 8-8 oz. glasses of water and munching on a nice breakfast of Kashi vanilla oatmeal and strawberries.

Strawberries and Cream Oatmeal Recipe
One packet Kashi vanilla oatmeal
3/4 cup vanilla soy milk
1 tablespoon wheat germ
5 large diced strawberries

put oatmeal, wheat germ and milk in a bowl and heat in microwave on high for 1 minute.
meanwhile, dice the strawberries. Once oatmeal is cooked, add in strawberries and microwave on high for 30 more seconds.

Eat while hot!

Some tips...

- take a big gulp of water before each phone call, new email or getting up from your desk. At first, a gallon of water a day seems daunting. But those gulps add up and before you know it, you will be wanting even more.

- Always eat breakfast! It gives you energy, gets your metabolism going and wards off late day hunger (when you might go on eating something less healthy).


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