Monday, August 27, 2007


I found this life expectancy calculator, and it told me that I'm going to live until 103. I guess we all think about how much longer we have in this world, but I never took a test to tell me how much longer it would be. Of course, there are a bunch of disclaimers and I could easily get hit by a car tomorrow (did I just jinx myself?), or contract some ridiculous disease. While it's great to think about living to 103 in the abstract, it means I have 67 more years to tool around this earth, provided we still have an earth. It makes me reflect on what the world was like 30 years ago, what it might be like 30 years from now and how I might fit into all of that as a little old lady. Well, maybe not little, more like Bea Arthur from the Golden Girls - keep laughing, I'll see you at 103 ;)

Living to 103 means:
- at least another 50 years of work (ugh!)
- another 24,455 blog entries (I'm not sure I have that many recipes)
- seeing Lindsay Lohan get arrested for DUI at least 5 more times
- watching the Yankees win another 17 World Championships

It all means nothing unless I keep exercising 5 days a week, eating fruits and veggies for my snacks, don't gain any weight, and don't get hit by a train while text messaging.


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